by djadmin | Jun 12, 2023 | Motivation, children, News
Far too many parents are obsessed with their children’s “happiness.” They think that they are being good parents when their children are happy, that they are bad parents when their children aren’t happy, and that parenting decisions should be made according to what...
by djadmin | Jun 7, 2023 | Motivation, News
The biggest compliment you can pay someone is to trust them. Trust says, “I believe you.” Trust says, “I don’t need another source, opinion, or proof. I don’t need to check what you’re saying or doing. Your word is good enough for me.” That’s a scary thought for most...
by djadmin | Apr 24, 2023 | News, Motivation
“Early in our marriage, Rachel and I noticed three phrases that, when used, always caused trouble. We decided to “ban” them from our house. We even wrote them on a piece of paper and put it on the fridge with an “X” through them. We decided to treat them as...
by djadmin | Feb 17, 2023 | News
David Kibler appeared on the Hope is Here podcast this past week. The podcast hosted by Greg Horn is heard on WJMM radio in Lexington, Ky. The interview was over two episodes of the podcast. Over the two episodes, Kiber talks about the purpose of writing the book...