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Children need to hear the word “no”
For all you parents out there: Children should hear the word "no" frequently and consistently. Parents should give their children everything they need and a limited amount of what they want. Parents that are serious about raising excellent kids should get serious...

Your Kids Don’t Take You Seriously, Parents
I saw a meme that said, “Why does no one pay attention unless I totally lose my ****?” Thats easy. Because you’ve trained them to. Humans are the most adaptive creatures on the planet. We’ll adapt to anything. That includes your kids. Let’s take a normal parent...

Audiobook now available!
Exciting news for all those navigating the journey of marriage! The audiobook format of “Eight Things I Wish I Knew Before I Said ‘I Do'” is now available. Here’s a sneak peek into the valuable insights awaiting eager listeners: Why ten p.m. is the most important hour...

Internal Locus of Control
Parents, it is imperative that you develop within your children an "internal locus of control." People with an internal locus of control believe that they are in charge (within reason) of their lives. They believe that their lives are up to them, that their actions...

‘Eight Things I Wish I Knew Before I Said ‘I Do’ – Coming soon in Audiobook Format!
Exciting news for all those navigating the journey of marriage! Set to release on February 19, "Eight Things I Wish I Knew Before I Said 'I Do'" is about to become even more accessible with its upcoming availability in Audiobook format. Here's a sneak peek into the...

Boyfriends are not projects
The dating phase is when people are on their best behavior. "Men marry women hoping they won't change and they do; women marry men hoping they will change and they don't." Many women see their boyfriends as projects. They see an idealized version of what they wish him...

Consistency is the key to discipline problems
If you are having discipline problems with your child, the problem could be a lack of consistency in your home. Remember this formula: Inconsistency -> Confusion -> Frustration -> Acting Out Inconsistency in parenting is usually the cause of it all. If you...

Two things for parents to remember regarding raising their kids
Two things for parents to remember regarding raising their kids: Good manners will open doors that a good resume won’t. Bad manners will close doors that a good resume can’t open. A huge part of a child’s education should be “treating others with respect.” People...

A message for parents today
A message for parents today - Many of us think that we can build self-confidence into our children by complimenting them or cheering them on or being their biggest fan. Wrong. Completely wrong. In fact, overly complimenting our children or cheering them on TOO much...

Don’t Be A Revenge Spouse
"Many spouses see it as their job to obtain justice from the other when wronged. Instead of being quick to forgive, the spouse punishes the other to “get even.” I’ve seen spouses punish the other by withholding affection, giving the silent treatment, or actively...