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Children need to hear the word “no”

Children need to hear the word “no”

For all you parents out there: Children should hear the word "no" frequently and consistently. Parents should give their children everything they need and a limited amount of what they want. Parents that are serious about raising excellent kids should get serious...

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Your Kids Don’t Take You Seriously, Parents

Your Kids Don’t Take You Seriously, Parents

I saw a meme that said, “Why does no one pay attention unless I totally lose my ****?” Thats easy. Because you’ve trained them to. Humans are the most adaptive creatures on the planet. We’ll adapt to anything. That includes your kids. Let’s take a normal parent...

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Internal Locus of Control

Internal Locus of Control

Parents, it is imperative that you develop within your children an "internal locus of control." People with an internal locus of control believe that they are in charge (within reason) of their lives. They believe that their lives are up to them, that their actions...

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