About David Kibler
After nine years of ministry as a worship leader and youth minister, he planted Catalyst Christian Church in 2008 where he is currently the senior pastor. In 2012, he made his first trip to Nepal, becoming one of the four founding members of Asian Church Planting Mission, a team of mission-oriented pastors from Nepal, India, and Pakistan with the vision to plant churches in the hardest and most unreached areas of Asia
The Intentional Spouse Conference

Want to bring the book to your group live? The Intentional Spouse Conference is a conference based on Dave’s book. For more information on bringing the conference to your group, click below!
What People say about the book
“You need three books to make a marriage: check book, cook book and the good book! The observations & principles Dave Kibler outlines are solidly based in the good book, God’s Word. Dave and Rachel are very honest and forthcoming about what works once you say “I Do……until death do us part!” Read and be blessed.”
“If you want your marriage, and your parenting, to improve, then get this book. Read it, digest it, and apply it. David Kibler combines Biblical principles and time-tested, practical advice into an easy-to-understand format. He provides achievable “next steps” to help you, your spouse, and your children develop the family you, and the Lord, desire for you to experience. Drawing on decades of ministry background, as well as his own personal struggles, he has discovered strategies that actually work to bless every member of the family.
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