Children need to hear the word “no”

children, Development



For all you parents out there:
Children should hear the word “no” frequently and consistently.
Parents should give their children everything they need and a limited amount of what they want.
Parents that are serious about raising excellent kids should get serious about being excellent examples.
Children who are disrespectful to mom and dad will most likely be disrespectful to teachers, bosses, cops, and other authority figures as well. Respect is learned in the home first.
Parents who spoil their children will raise their grandchildren; parents who raise their children can spoil their grandchildren.
Parents who shield their children from the consequences of their actions are playing the lead role in their children’s destruction.
Lazy parents do their children’s chores for them. Hardworking parents take the time to show their kids how to do them.
People who can’t manage their own lives have no business having children. Get a vasectomy and a dog.
The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. The best thing a mother can do for her children is to respect their father.
Consistency is by far the most important trait of a parent. I would take a consistent parent over a loving parent, a fun parent, a cool parent, or a wealthy parent every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Fearful parents raise anxious kids. Confident parents raise confident kids.
Many parents don’t realize their job is to raise adults.
Parents should never do anything for their children that their children can do for themselves.

If you’re interested in bringing David Kibler to your church for The Intentional Spouse Conference, we’d love to connect! David, author of Eight Things I Wish I Knew Before I Said “I Do”, is passionate about strengthening marriages through biblical wisdom and practical insights. Contact us to learn more about hosting this impactful event!

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